Over 50 children representing Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim schools put peace into practice on International Peace Day under the theme of Actions for Peace in Kandy by creating works of art depicting peace during an event organised by Kandy DIRC and supported by the Plural Action for Conflict Transformation (PACT) project.

“We need to teach our children about peace for the next generation,” a parent said. “They like to draw. That’s when freedom of expression comes out,” another parent added. One mother had allowed her daughter to attend despite being ill because of her passion for drawing. “Peace is important because then we are all equal,” a school girl said.

The school children were given two hours to complete their visions of peace. However, the messages of the day extended beyond the canvas. Art teachers from Tamil and Sinhala classes, parents of participants and children of all ages came together to celebrate peace day.

Some drawings depicted all religions while others highlighted specific ones. One had a yin/yang symbol, which showed the diversity of a plural society and people’s experiences related to peace. Certificates were awarded to all participants. Through art and images, the artists of today and tomorrow fostered a more peaceful world on International Peace Day.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization