To work effectively on topics such as peace and reconciliation across communities with a variety of stakeholders requires knowledge and confidence in facilitation skills and workshop design.

A programme for NPC staff facilitated by corporate and NGO sector representatives highlighted the concept of a workshop as part of a transformative process linked to specific peacebuilding goals.

The sessions focused on creating an environment conducive to active participation, empowering participants to contribute equally. Building on this foundation, current challenges faced by NPC projects were addressed, exploring strategic facilitation techniques and workshop design that could enhance project implementation.

The challenges revolved around navigating sensitive cultural and religious nuances, which require not only respect and awareness but also a skilled approach to dialogue and facilitation.

“Providing workshops and activities focused on team building and collaboration can help project teams develop trust, improve communication and work together more effectively,” a participant said.

By investing in the staff’s professional development, each workshop and meeting can advance peacebuilding initiatives. Through well designed workshops and expert facilitation, staff are better equipped to address the nuanced dynamics of groups and improve engagements with community actors.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization